Some Signs of Unsafe Driving
This topic is never easy when it comes time to tell your loved one they can no longer drive. In the case of both my mom and mother in law we had the Doctor tell them. Believe me it is easier that way! They will still yell at you, sway nasty things to you and they try to find a way for you to let them drive so be prepared for that. However, I found that if you refer back to "the Doctor said so" then you always have them playing the bad guy/gal instead of you being the bad one. If you have any doubts at all take the keys immediately and prevent something worse from happening.
Determining when
someone can no longer safely drive requires observation by family members and or caregivers, etc. The following list below provides some of the warning signs that it's time to stop your loved one from driving before they hurt themselves and or someone else. The bolded ones are the ones that we noticed.
- Forgetting
how to locate familiar places
- Forgetting
the destination you are driving to during the trip
- Returning
from a routine drive later than usual
- Becoming
angry or confused while driving
- Getting lost and calling us because they were disoriented
- Failing to
observe traffic signs
- Making slow
or poor decisions in traffic
- Driving at
an inappropriate speed (could be slow or could be fast)
- Hitting
curbs, swaying in lanes
- Using poor
lane control
- Making
errors at intersections
- Confusing
the brake and gas pedals
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